
Book Online

 For Frequently Asked Questions please click [FAQ's] [Prices] or
 please ask us in the Form section below.
Contact Name:  * Mobile/Phone:  *
Contact Email:  *
Confirm Email:  *
Approx. Group Age:  *
Date Time required Number
Required Start at Finish at of Players
Session times   9am to 12:30pm,  &  1pm to 4:30pm

Please send this link to your players to avoid delays on your paintball day and give your paintballers a better experience.

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

This includes information on waiver forms, minimum age, wear only shorts & T-shirts under the overalls, drink water & eat breakfast, prices, extra paintballs, sniper barrel upgrade, paint grenades, hot weather, wet weather, no drugs or alcohol, EFTPOS etc..

Important Info: Please read & pass onto others
Waiver Forms

All players are required to complete a waiver form before playing.

Players under 18 years of age are required to have their waiver form completed by their own parent.

Waiver forms must be neat & completed 100% to be able to play.

Waiver forms are available at the field on the day or Click here to open a Waiver Form.

Pre Payments

To secure bookings we require $35 per player paid in advance. This payment covers a players entry, equipment hire & 100 paintballs.

We recommend group payments are paid as soon as possible as some days can book out weeks & months in advance. More payments can be added as players confirm (unless we have completely booked out).

Short notice bookings are accepted where possible.

PLEASE NOTE: There are no refunds for people that do not play - but you do get to shoot their paintballs.

Payment Methods
  • Internet banking:  (Account Name: Paintball Park) (BSB: 065 165) (Account: 1016 5435) (Description is your booking name & date of play) (commonwealth bank shows same day. Other banks take 2-3 days)
  • At any Commonwealth Bank:  (Account Name: Paintball Park) (BSB: 065 165) (Account: 1016 5435) (once paid please SMS or call 0413 144 992 the date of play, booking name & amount paid)
  • In Person:  Deposits can be paid at the field on most Saturdays & Sundays. (59 Womma Road Edinburgh North)
Minimum Age
The minimum age in South Australia is 10 years (SA Firearms Law).
Players must wear enclosed shoes. Joggers with good grip are recommended. (No thongs or sandals).
We recommend players wear shorts & T-shirts as we supply overalls.
We recommend players eat a good breakfast/lunch before their paintball session.
We recommend players drink water before & during their paintball session.
Please bring medication for Asthma, allergies etc.
Arrive Time
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your booking time.
Extra Protection
We recommend players wear gloves, groin boxes & baseball style hats. These items are for sale at the field if required. Gloves from $5, groin box from $7 & camouflage Paintball Park hats $15.
Merging Groups
We will always try to accommodate groups that want to play by themselves & groups that want to merge with others. On some days we may need to merge compatible groups or players for various reasons including to bring player numbers up to a more exciting group size, get individual & small groups on the field, help keep prices down & prevent delays getting onto playing fields. We get great feedback from players that merge.
It is illegal to use a paintball gun under the influence of drugs or alcohol. People that have taken or consumed drugs or alcohol will not be able to play. It is illegal to consume alcohol on the premises even for non players.
Make your Processing Faster
Before the Day
  1. WAIVER FORMS   Complete waiver forms & hand in on arrival (MUST be neat & completed 100%) (ensure booking name & ALL info is filled in).
  2. CHOOSE PAINTBALLS   Prepaid Group Packages save time & money (
  3. TEAMS   Make 2 even teams (Black team / Green team)
On the Day
  1. Arrive 10 minutes before your booking / processing time
BYO Markers (paintball guns)
Players are welcome to use their own paintball guns.
Before Your Day of Play
Please let us know in advance if bringing your own paintball gun. Please let us know in advance if you require air refills. (If your gun runs on Co2 we can loan you a full bottle free of charge).
On Arrival
Check paintball guns in to reception immediately after arrival & 20 minutes before your booking time. Paintball guns must be in a closed box/bag and must not be removed or visible at any stage outside of the playing arena. Paintball guns must be disassembled, de-gassed, empty of paintballs etc at all times outside of the playing arena.
Gun Inspection Requirements
  • Serial number check (Gun must be registered to the person in possession).
  • We must view your current Firearms License.
  • We must view your registration paper.
  • Air / Co2 bottles must be in test.
  • Gun does not shoot more than 1 paintball per trigger pull.
  • Gun must measures no less than 750mm (bottle to barrel)
  • Gun must look like a paintball gun & not like an assault rifle etc
  • Gun will be chronographed. Must be shooting under 300fps (customers paint used)
General Rules
The licensed / registered owner of a paintball gun must be on the premises at all times with the gun.
A paintball guns velocity must not be adjusted after chronographing. If adjustments have been made to the gun it must be re-chronographed before use.
No B.Y.O. paintballs. Only paintballs supplied by Paintball Park on the day can be used. (unless authorised by the manager in writing)
Players must consider the playing ability, age etc of the players they are shooting at & play accordingly.
Firearms laws & Paintball Park rules must be followed at all times.

Food / Drinks

Drinks & snacks are available for purchase.
BBQ's / Cooking devices are not permitted.
Alcohol / Drugs / People that have consumed are not permitted onsite.



Click here to watch a collection of paintball videos.



View the various pricing options we have for you and your group for the day.



Click here to make a booking at Paintball Park or make a Deposit.